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Rackrs Authentication Services

Autograph Authentication Services Submission

* Right now we are only doing opinions. We will have our full authentication services ready in the coming weeks.

* Autograph Opinion: $10/per item

Your Information

What autographs would you like us to examine?

If you have a link, you can enter it here. Otherwise upload images by clicking "Browse."
Select multiple images by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key.

Please Note (Autograph Opinion Service): We reserve the right to reject any photographs that are too small, grainy, or don’t give a good representation of the autograph. Refund will be provided if we can’t render an opinion due to bad visuals, or a non-sports related autograph. The Autograph Opinion service is just an opinion, but you will get an unbiased opinion about the authenticity of your autograph. These are just opinions from our autograph authenticators, and errors are possible.